The name of the Král became a household word in Csepel in the early nineties. As was very fashionable at the time, it was created as a typical English-style pub. In addition to cold draught beers, beer and wine, the Král pub also had a lively cultural life. There was also a darts club with internationally renowned competitors, satellite horse racing, slot machines and live music in the evenings. Many of the bands that started out in Král later became established bands in the Budapest music scene.

In the thirty years of the pub's existence, many lifelong friendships and even marriages were born and today, as a result, a whole series of Král children roam the streets of Csepel. As well as great entertainment, each of our former guests has a personal, funny or life-changing story to tell.

The story of the Král Pub is closely intertwined with that of its owner Judit Králik, who traded her 30-year career as an economist for a career in retail and hospitality. In the late 2000s, business decisions and market changes led to the temporary closure of the pub, which was then revived as a hotel and guesthouse. Today, we can proudly say that the heritage of the Král Pub lives on in the Hotel - Pension, where guests from all over the world come to experience the cultural and hospitality spirit of Csepel.


Judit was born and raised in Csepel, where she has lived for a good eighty percent of her life. After graduating from the Jedlik High School in Csepel, she went on to study at the Közgáz (Public School), then graduated as an economist and worked in the office of the Csepel Paper Factory. In the early 2000s, at the same time as the regime change, he founded the Král Pub, which quickly became a popular and successful nightclub in the area. Later, he had the idea of creating a hotel in the building. Today, the pub has closed, but the hotel continues to operate successfully. Judit speaks four languages at a conversational level, so she gets on well with most travellers. She has travelled to many countries around the world and her international experience helps her to run the hotel successfully.